TM Services India

IPR Services India

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Privacy Policy

While defining the privacy policy; its hereby declaring that all the data and business information and other facts of partners, registered users and other associates are being hold under the secure mode. All the worthy and secure information are being saved under the server from where it can be extracted and view on the demand of its correspondent owner. The rights of access and edit the information is only with the account owner. We do not use any of the information which is subjected to account holders for any further marketing and we also do not share it to the outside wold.

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All the web data and web information are subjected to the legal advice ranging from IPR to corporate law act which is not being stated for any further marketing and advert tool. We have complete right over our web content that we can alter anytime without sending any notification to the registered user or to any other partner. We have copyright on our web content that cannot be allowed to get copied by any of the third party.

In case of any fault information or any loss to the third party by the use of our web information; we are not subjected to any liability or responsibility for the same. We hereby declare that we have put correct an latest information but assurance is being not assumed where in case of any loss to the business or any loss to the brand or marketing by the use of our web content we are held with any liability.

We always welcome outside reviews, online comments and remarks by online visitors where they can connect to us through below mentioned online inquiry form or send us mail at where our web team will revert back with the best while handling any of the asked question.